Wasps vs Hornets

The social wasp constructs its nest using a variety of materials, including mud, plants, and wood made from their secretion. These materials are gathered and assembled in a honeycomb pattern, often reinforced with an additional protective layer. The specific locations of the nests vary depending on the species of wasp.

For instance, yellow jackets prefer to build their nests in tree hollows and shrubs, while Mud daubers create their nests from cylindrical shapes made of mud. Some wasp species prefer to construct their nests in hidden areas away from human activity. Solitary wasps, like the yellow jacket, often make their nests in abandoned rat burrows.

The hornet, though technically a type of wasp, closely resembles the yellow jacket but is significantly larger in size. Hornets are social wasps and build their nests using a paper-like material, similar to the paper wasp. Hornets tend to construct their nests in cavities and shrubs.

Unlike other wasps, hornets can sting their victims multiple times and are known to attack in groups. The main distinguishing factor between hornets and other wasps is the size and placement of their colonies. Hornet colonies typically consist of around 100 or fewer individuals. Identifying the placement and size of the nest is helpful in determining which pest you are dealing with.

Ground hornets, in particular, can cause significant damage to lawns as they focus primarily on hunting and expanding their nest. These hornets dig burrows deep into the ground, sometimes reaching up to 10 inches. It is important to keep pets and children away from these burrows as ground hornets perceive any intruder as a threat, and their stings are known to be extremely painful.

Wasp nests are usually open and suspended from solid objects or structures such as soffits or tree branches. Hornets, on the other hand, tend to build closed nests on trees, shrubs, and sometimes even on walls.

If you observe the presence of wasps or hornets, it is highly recommended to seek the assistance of a professional wasp and hornet removal service. These services employ licensed technicians equipped with the necessary tools and expertise to safely eliminate nests and eradicate the presence of wasps or hornets. To ensure your safety, please contact Pest Control Peterborough.