who or what attracts mosquitoes

Who/What Attracts Mosquitoes?

Mosquitoes have been long recognized as very annoying pests that people just want to get rid of them no matter what and their constant buzzing and humming is already a reason to want to dispel them forever. A lot of Canadians will look forward to the heat the spring and summer months are bringing, but one thing that they do not like is the mosquitoes that come along with it.

If you want to get rid of mosquitoes, call the licensed and insured professionals from Pest Control Peterborough!

A lot of people have wondered what brings these pesky mosquitoes to their rooms and what attracts them exactly? Well in this article we will take a look at what attracts these mosquitoes and what you can do against them exactly.

But before we take a look at what these mosquitoes actually can do, we need to understand what they are before we delve into the nitty gritty. Mosquitoes happen to be one of the most common flying unsect that live in most parts of the world. There are a whopping 3500 species found worldwide and they have a somewhat negative reputation no matter where they go. It might surprise you, but not all mosquitoes bite people but when they do people might have a mixed reaction to them which can range from swelling to developing red raised bumps to itchiness on the skin.

Mosquitoes can be a vector species of disease which means that these insects will have the ability to spread disease and other conditions from person to person or from animal to animal. This is why mosquitoes in some parts of the world can be very dangerous. Mosquitoes have the ability to spread dangerous diseases such as malaria, dengue, zika disease and etc.

So now that you are read up on what mosquito is and what they are capable of, you’re probably wondering what these insects are attracted to. Down below you can find a small list to what mosquitoes are attracted to.

Body Odor

Believe it or not, but mosquitoes are attracted to a particular scent that we all secrete namely body odour. The reason why mosquitoes are drawn to body odor is because they contain carboxylic acid. Body odor is affected by genetics, diet, scented products, and can be even influenced by the bacteria that live on your body.


Mosquitoes are attracted to heat because they can in this way target their host. Mosquitoes are able to impressively spot a target with the help of their very own thermal vision. The higher the temperature of your body, the better and easier they are able to detect you!

Carbon Dioxide

The reason why mosquitoes are attracted to carbon dioxide is because it can signal the presence of blood nearby. They have specialized receptors that can pinpoint where the plumes are of breath are being breathed out.

There you have it. These are the things that mosquitoes are attracted to. Mosquitoes are nuisance insects, but they can be very problematic once they arrive in packs. It is then that mosquitoes really can drain the life of somebody, and we don’t mean that literally. A mosquito can only take in so much blood, so don’t worry. If you have issues with mosquitoes and want to get rid of them, hire licensed and insured professionals from Pest Control Peterborough.