Ant Exterminator Peterborough

Professional and Guaranteed

Ant Control Solutions

Ant Control Peterborough

Ant Control Peterborough offers our customers with unmatched and affordable ant control solutions done by licensed and insured professionals. Our technicians are equipped with the best tools and the most potent rodenticides that where even the toughest ant infestations are no match for. Our pesticides are low in mammalian-toxicity and commercial-grade which means that it is not accessible by the public at all. Apart from pesticides, we also apply a full-coverage baseboard spray around the interior. Eggs will be affected by the substances as soon as they hatch. Once the ant walks on the treatment, it will perish. Bait will also be placed around strategic locations based on the results of the interior inspection that identifies and determines hotspots and areas of high activity. We will also spray pesticides on the outside that will coat the base the outside with a thin layer. This will act as a barricade.

Our extermination is covered with a 6-month service warranty. If ants ever return, so will we for no additional cost. Call us to start getting rid of ants now at xxx-xxx-xxx

Guaranteed Service

warranty 6 months

If contractual pests return following service and within the guarantee and warranty period, we will return at no additional cost. We work hard on keeping our customers ant free. We guarantee every service and provide extensive warranties to make sure ants are gone and our customers are happy. Call Pest Control Peterborough for ant control services in Peterborough

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Ant Extermination Process


Technicians will start the process by identifying high levels of ant activity and hotspots together with signs that are associated with ants. Furthermore, the technician will thoroughly look for colonies and ant species as well for precise counterattacks. Once activity, ant species, and colonies have been identified, the technician will move on to compile findings, inform the property owner, and prepare for extermination on the same day. 

ants inspection peterborough
carpenter ant bait station peterborough


Technicians will start the extermination process right after the inspection. Technicians will use pesticides and baits based on the identification of the ant species based and what compounds attract ants. To commence the process, technicians will apply a baseboard spray throughout the interior of the property Once ants will walk on it, they will perish. Bait will also be strategically placed in levels of highest activity. Bait will be carried back to the nest and stored by the ants for future feeding. Ants stockpile the bait and consume it slowly over time. The foragers of the ant colony are affected by the residual insecticide crack and crevice treatment while the bait that makes to the colony will slowly decrease the numbers of all other ants inside the colony.

On the exterior, pesticides will be sprayed on the outside base of the home as well as, windows, window wells, door frames and other areas ants frequent. The base of the property will be covered with a thin defensive coating. Our extermination services are covered with a 6-month service warranty. If ants come back, we will too. Call xxx-xxx-xxx.

For carpenter ants, since they make interior nests, technicians will drill a small home behind a wall. They will inject pesticides behind the wall to reach deep into the ant nest. This will take some additional time.


Once the ant inspection is done, you will be given a list with all the vulnerable points and entry points that the ants used. These can be cracks, crevices, and gaps throughout the interior of the property. The customer will know exactly what needs to be done to prevent ants from re-infesting the premises. Measures should also be taken on the customer’s end such as regular cleaning and upkeep as not to attract ants again. We provide customers with comprehensive proofing and sealing solutions as well.

ant prevention peterborough

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Type of Ants

Our licensed ant exterminators treat mainly indoor ants such as carpenter ants, pavement ants, and pharaoh ants.

Carpenter ants In the case of carpenter ants the treatment is similar but can vary slightly. While we perform a bait and crack and crevice treatment, we might have to also use an Ultra Low Volume mist machine to target a nest directly. Carpenter ants build nests by tunneling through moisture affected wood. If we can locate the nest, we will treat it directly. Common carpenter ant nesting areas can be in wall voids, framing lumber on walls or ceiling joists. Treating the nest directly will only speed up the treatment and it is not necessary for every carpenter ant extermination.

Pavement ants can be dark brown to black. Pavement ant colonies can count till 3000-4000 ants.  Several queens can be in a colony. The areas beneath slabs of pavements are a preference. Their diet consists of insects, seeds, honeydew, and honey. Indoors can feed on whatever is available such as nuts, cheeses. and meats.

Pharaoh Ants primarily feeds on oily substances, crumbs, sugar and are often found in multi-residential units and medical facilities. Pharaoh ants are small ants and can be easily overlooked. Pharaoh ants must be targeted using only bait. Each colony has multiple queens and should members of the colony feel threatened they will split up and spread the problem.

carpenter ant control peterborough

Carpenter Ants

pavement ant peterborough

Pavement Ants

pharaoh ant peterborough

Pharoah Ants

fire ant treatment peterborough

Fire Ants

Expert Ant Exterminators in Peterborough

Why Hire Us?

Because we are exterminators who are licensed, insured, and experienced in ant extermination. We have resolved countless of ant infestation across the region and continue to do so with the same motivation. We have access to the best tools and the most effective products in the industry. We make sure to get into every nook and cranny, so no ant gets left behind. Our services are backed with a 6-month service warranty. Call us for more information.

warranty 6 months

Ant Control Peterborough

A team of licensed, professional, trained, fully insured & equipped pest control specialists ready to take on any intrusive residential and commercial ant infestation. We thoroughly check for signs, levels of activity and peaks, deploy powerful pesticides and baits that directly affect the ant population and nest. We have tools and equipment at our disposal to ensure an efficient ant extermination process. We guarantee the ant extermination with a 6-month service warranty. If ants come back, so will we free of cost.